Adaptive Leadership Programme

A successful organisation balances high performance with humanity. Adaptive Leadership helps get this balance right. Our Adaptive Leadership programme helps leaders modernise their style and acts as a multiplier to bring your ways of working to life.



Great leaders bring together stances that seemingly contradict: holding power while distributing it, seeking diverse voices while creating alignment, taking decisive action without knowing all the answers, and putting the organisation first while championing their perspectives. Holding these tensions in balance requires a different mindset, courage and resilience.

Our Adaptive Leadership programme is designed for organisations wanting to modernise their culture and how they deliver work. It has been developed from decades of at-the-coal-face transformation experience across hundreds of different clients.

Each programme is custom-designed together with you to meet your specific context and needs.



While each situation is unique, we typically customise the programme via four key stages:

  1. Context - understanding your existing situation including
    1. Your vision, strategy and plans.
    2. Your values and desired culture.
    3. Your desired leadership behaviours, skills and mindset.
    4. Your existing leadership material.
    5. The target audience
  2. Design and Validate – designing and agreeing on the core building blocks of the programme, leveraging existing Radically modules.
  3. Front-runner - deliver the front-runner cohort and obtain feedback to inspect and adapt the programme.
  4. Scale: deliver the remainder of the programme, continually adapting based on feedback.

To streamline Stage 2 (Design and Validate), we leverage the library of existing Radically modules which can be customised (or new modules built) as required. Existing modules include

  • Leading through complexity
  • Developing an adaptive mindset
  • Creating tactical & adaptive performance
  • Leading change
  • Building High-Performance Environment
  • Balancing empowerment and capability
  • Growth mindset
  • Servant leadership
  • Psychological safety
  • Resolving negative social dynamics
  • Leading in a hybrid working environment
  • ...




The programme is typically delivered through a diverse range of learning formats including:

  • In-person workshops to learn new concepts and skills.
  • Facilitated small group working sessions to deepen learning, support each other in applying learning, and provide space for personal reflections and insight.
  • Structured guides and homework-style activities enabling you to apply the practices in your work environments.
  • Customised leadership development plans.
  • On-the-job coaching as required.

As an outcome of the Design stage, we agree on the right blend of the above resulting in a schedule.

The Experience


  • Concepts, models, and tools for leading in a diverse, 
inclusive, adaptive organisation
  • Hands-on activities to experience and practice leadership
  • Read-world examples from other organisations and leaders, practical advice and consulting
  • Integration of learnings into daily practice
  • Supportive business network



We only run this course as a private, in-house programme.

What other people said

“This was 7 weeks of value, and I’ve come away from this feeling extremely positive about the direction our company is taking with equipping leaders and aligning mindsets.”

“Out of all the courses I have done, I have never seen such a comradery and openness and trust with the whole group. Everyone felt they were in a safe space to be themselves and it was extremely positive.”

“I have had great feedback about the design of the course, the quality and applicability of the content, and most importantly your expert delivery. The team benefited from your experience and the way you made the content come alive through personal stories. The tools and artefacts, including the slides, videos, podcasts, and other ancillary material, are very helpful to keep the learning going.”

Adaptive Leadership in action